At 8 years old in Northern Idaho I decided I wanted to be a professional bass angler. A far stretch for a kid living in trout country. At that time I was drawn to the big stages, the bright lights and the big trophies and paychecks, but 27 years later I have realized that it is actually none of those things that I’m chasing. For me, it is about the experiences, the emotion, and the bite. That split second that it takes for your brain to register from your finger tips that you have a bite. That emotion. That feeling. Thats what drives me. I now get to travel the country with my wife and daughter chasing that dream on the Bassmaster Elite Series and sharing those experiences with the world.

師匠は、ほぼすべてのキャストで意のままにバスを釣っているように見えましたが、私には一度もバイトがありません。ソナーやGPSが普及するずっと前のことです。私はただ、マスターの仕事ぶりを見ているだけでした。彼は、彼のクランクベイト(DEEP-X)から伝わるすべての情報に集中していました。のちに彼は私にDEEP-X 100の1つを渡しました。そして私は、常識にとらわれない可能性を確信するようになったのです。
My first Megabass memory comes early on in my fishing adventures. I had to of been around thirteen years old, and I was fishing with my mentor on one of those early spring days. The sun was shining, but the air was cool and crisp. After making a short run from the boat ramp we stopped on a rock wall that I now know the fish use as a transition bank. Back then, I had no idea what we were fishing other than what I could see above water with my eyes, let alone understand why we were fishing it. There is a small ditch that runs in front of the rocks and the grass will begin to barely poke through the bottom soil creating that perfect transition and stopping point before they push back toward the spawning flat. At this time many of the techniques were still new to me and only something I had read about in Bassmaster Magazine. As my mentor pulled out a DEEP-X 100 in Fire Craw, I began to throw a jig. The water was still cold, mid 40s probably, and I had all the confidence that a jig was the best option. I soon found out that was not the case on this day. As we began to parallel the rock bank, he was making casts out in front of the rock, ticking the base of those rocks right where it transitioned to that subtle sprouting grass. Right exactly where every bass seemed to be living that day. It seemed as if he was catching them at will and nearly every cast. I never had a bite. This was long before forward facing sonar or even good mapping and GPS. I was simply watching a master at work. He was paying attention to every detail relayed back to him as his crankbait ticked those rocks. He later gave me one of those DEEP-X 100’s and started my belief in what was possible when you think outside the box.

私のモチベーション。「Raise the bar」すべてを超える為に
With this new partnership I hope to accomplish many things. Of course, there is the obvious of winning more Bassmaster Elite events, more Angler of the Year titles, and winning my first Bassmaster Classic, but it goes much deeper than that. I’m looking forward to learning from Yuki Ito and his extensive knowledge of lure design. As I help give shape to the next generation of Megabass hard baits, wire baits, jigs and frogs, I will be sharing the knowledge I have gained fishing all over the world and meshing that with Mr. Ito’s design, style, and attention to detail. Once again, I will be witnessing a master at work. My hope is that we can push innovation and create products that outperform for everyone, and ultimately create those lasting moments and memories we all fish for.
勝つために私は常に安定して最高のパフォーマンスを発揮する必要があります。基準を上げるためには、自分の思い込みや可能性の限界にチャレンジすることが必要です。メガバスは常に自分の武器の一つであり、この業界で最も革新的なメーカーの1つです。ITO SHINERやMAGDRAFTなどのルアーは、長年にわたり私のボートのフロントデッキでキーバイトを生み出し続けており、最近では2度目のBassmaster Angler of the Yearを獲得するなど、勝利に貢献してくれました。
2022年シーズン最後のミシシッピリバーの大会では6インチのマグドラフトが複数のキーバイトを生み出し、そのうちの1つは、Bassmaster Liveで一部始終を撮られながら、ボートの真横でバスがルアーをチェイスし、最終的にバイトに持ち込むことができたことです。
私は、いよいよトーナメントでメガバスの全製品を武器として使うことができ、さらにはアメリカ(MEGABASS OF AMERICA Inc.)と日本(メガバス本社・アイティオーエンジニアリング)のチームと協力して、次世代メガバスのルアー開発に貢献できることにとても興奮しています。
To win, I need to perform at the highest level with consistency day in and day out. To raise the bar, I need to challenge my assumptions and push through the limits of my potential. Megabass has always been a part of my arsenal and one of the most innovative manufacturers in our industry. Lures like the ITO SHINER and MAGDRAFT have been on the front deck of my boat through the years, delivering key bites to help me win, including most recently my second Bassmaster Angler of the Year title. Several of my key bites in the final event of the 2022 season on the Mississippi River came on the 6’’ MAGDRAFT, one of which was right at the boat as I watched the fish track the bait down the side of the boat and eventually commit all while on Bassmaster Live.
I’m excited to finally be able to use the full Megabass arsenal in my tournament fishing and work closely with the US and Japan teams to help design the next generation of Megabass lures. This partnership didn’t happen overnight though. This is a culmination of years of conversation dating all the way back to the fall of 2011. I am a believer that everything happens for a reason. At the end of my first season on the Elites I had multiple offers, which forced me to pick a direction, and I ended up working with a different company. However, the conversations never stopped. Each year since that initial conversation, we checked in to see if there was an opportunity to work together, but the timing never felt right. Until now. As I have grown as an angler, Megabass has also grown as a company here in the United States, and I’m looking forward to realizing our newfound potential together. I was drawn to the values of the company, the relentless emphasis on product, and their family-run approach to business, but I know there is still more to discover.
To all the Megabass fans out there, Thank You. Thank you for accepting me to this team. I look forward to connecting with you online, in person, and through the products we create. Communication is always key to growth and know that I will do my best to check in with all of you when available. If you have questions, ask them.If you have comments, please post them.
I’m most active on Facebook and Instagram and you can contact me @brandonpalaniuk on those platforms or on our YouTube channel @bmpfishing. Share your catches and those dreaded close calls. I want to hear it all!